Through corresponding technical innovation, a great amount of high quality steam condensate water can be recovered and utilized efficiently. 通过对其进行有针对性的改进,使大量高品位优质凝结水得到有效回收和利用,产生了巨大的经济效益。
Through the cost analysis, emphasis condensate water recovery system in steam can save energy, make the great economy value. 通过节能分析和成本核算,说明了在蒸汽系统中冷凝水回收的效益是十分可观的。
Application of catalytic oxidation in reuse of the condensate water from arene plants 催化氧化在芳烃厂工艺冷凝水再利用中的应用研究
It's essential, for the suction of pump may reduce the pressure, which could boil the condensate water flowing pump impeller after pumping. 这是很必要的,因为泵的吸口可能降低压力,使得高温冷凝水被抽吸流过泵叶轮时发生沸腾。
Application of High-Voltage Inverter in Condensate Water Pump at Huaneng Qufu Power Plant 高压变频器在华能曲阜电厂凝结水泵上的应用
Low phosphorus treatment technology of circulating cooling water with the high proportional condensate water 使用高比例凝水的循环水系统的低磷处理技术
Please provide operating pressure and operating pressure difference, generating quantity of condensate water, operating temperature, connecting mode and standards in selecting product models. 选型时请提供工作压力、工作压差、凝结水发生量、工作温度、连接方式及标准。
The thing to be noticed is the fact that it's discontinuous liquid that condensate water automatic pump released is, the amount of liquid discharging should rest with the speed of circulation. 应注意的是冷凝水自动泵排出的是间断液流,总排液量取决于循环的快慢。
The Chemical Components in Air Condensate Water at Different Urban Regions 城市不同区域空气冷凝水的化学组成
Methods The condensate water was collected by the semiconductor refrigeration using solar energy as the main energy sources. 方法:以太阳能为主要能源,利用半导体制冷,在空气中用冷却法得到空气中的冷凝水。
Otherwise, the condensate water will return to the top level, causing increment in pressure, ultimately led to trouble. 否则,冷凝水会回顶,可能增加压力,引起故障。
Influence of replacing wash oil injection with condensate water injection on cracking gas compressor unit 注洗油改为注水对裂解气压缩机组的影响升压压缩机,增压压气机
Treatment of condensate water's oil entrainment fault in inter-stage cooler of air compressor 空压机级间冷却器冷凝水带油故障处理
Closed Circulation Recovery and Application of High Temperature Condensate Water in Ammonium Phosphate Production 磷酸铵生产中高温冷凝水密闭循环回收与应用
Through analyzing causes and process calculation of pipe diameter, installation measures is adopted, the water hammer in pipeline of condensate water system has been improved. 针对凝结水系统的水击、水流不畅现象,通过分析原因并对管径进行了工艺计算,采取适当的安装措施,效果显著。
Condensate Water Recovery as Water Source in Air Conditioning System 空调系统冷凝水作为水资源的回收利用
A Thermo-Economic Analysis Method and Its Application to A Sealed Condensate Water Recovery System 热经济学分析方法及其在冷凝水回收系统中的应用
Reutilization of evaporation condensate water and Prevention of cavitation in pump 蒸发冷凝水回收利用及泵内汽蚀的预防
The reduction of consumption of water and coal by the reutilization of condensate water were introduced. 介绍了蒸发冷凝水的回收利用可降低蒸汽水耗、煤耗。
Application of Nodal Analysis Theory in Removal Condensate Water for Gas Well 气井节点分析理论在排除气井凝析积液中的应用
The steam trap is a valve that releases condensate water in steam pipe network system. 蒸汽疏水阀是一种用于蒸汽管网系统中疏导冷凝水的阀门。
The old steam condensate water recovery facility can't work properly because of the defects in equipment and management. 洛阳石化总厂原有蒸汽凝结水回收设施由于设备和管理等方面存在缺陷,不能有效地运行。
This paper presented the methods and meaning of phase behavior study with rich gaseous condensate water, in the meantime, presented a Calculation model of gas liquid liquid 3 phase equilibrium of condensate oil gas mixtures with rich gaseous condensate water. 系统阐述了富含凝析水的凝析油气体系相态的研究方法和意义,并给出了适用于富含气态凝析水的烃类体系的气-液-液三相相平衡计算模型。
A method that measuring conductivity and converting it into pH value was proposed to measure the pH value of feedwater and condensate water, besides, the applicability and error of this method were analyzed. 提出了采用测量电导率并将电导率换算成pH值来测量给水、凝结水pH值的方法,并对这一方法的适用范围和误差进行了分析。
The contents of the saturated condensate water in condensate gas under different temperatures and pressures are calculated, the production performance of the condensate water is obtained. 计算了不同温度压力条件下凝析气中饱和凝析水含量,得出了气井凝析水产出动态规律曲线。
During the thermal recovery by steam injection in unconsolidated sandstone reservoir, water sensitivity is resulted from the reaction of condensate water and formation with high clay content. 疏松砂岩稠油油藏在注蒸汽热采过程中,由于蒸汽冷凝水使粘土矿物含量高的地层发生水敏,从而影响了热采效果。
Aiming at the problem of the condensate water in the compressor gas, the design of automatic drain system for compressor and the methods of solving insufficiency in application are presented. 针对压缩的空气中水份过多的问题,提出了切实可行的空压机冷凝水自动排放系统的设计方案,并对在实际使用中存在的不足提出了改进措施。
Recovery and reuse of condensate Water in heating power plant is very important. 热力厂蒸汽锅炉凝结水的回收利用一直是一个重要的水资源及热能回收问题。
The results showed that CO2 and condensate water were the primary factors causing corrosion of gas well. 研究结果表明,天然气中的CO2及凝析水是气井腐蚀的主要原因。
The main water leakage of glass lighting roof comes from rainwater, seepage and condensate water. 玻璃采光顶的主要漏水水源是明水、渗水、冷凝水。